
Naruto manga reviews

How will the Naruto's story go?

"Well, I do like Sasuke ONLY because Naruto cares deeply for him. I would have love to ring Sasuke's neck when he left Konoha to train with Orochimaru and left Naruto feeling betrayed, devastated and genuinely hurt--it was something that Naruto has yet to recover from to this present stage of the manga. Sasuke does inspire Naruto, whether he is there by his side or not (I am not trying to sound like a fanboyl or a fangirl, I am just stating what I truly think and Kakashi even said something about it; remember how Kakashi wondered whether Sasuke could sense Naruto getting stronger because of Sasuke being the cause of Naruto's inspiration? How about when Naruto asked Kakashi to let him cross that bridge into manhood when he fought that Akatski guy using his Rasenshuriken and Naruto thought of Sasuke?). By the time Sasuke fought Itachi and won by default, I wanted Sasuke dead because I thought that it was such bull that he "won" when he didn't earned that title; Kishimoto should have declared Sasuke the "survivor with the strength to survive battling Itachi" and not make or insinuate that he was the winner because he was the best, and that irked me, there is a distinction. But then, I kept remembering that Naruto loves his friend and defends him no matter what. So I entail care for Sasuke because of MY love for Naruto. I do believe that Sasuke will partake in defending Naruto whether from Pein, and/or Madara and from any Akatski member or even from Sasuke himself. Secretly, I sincerely hope that Naruto kicks Sasuke's butt only to bring him down from his pedestal but then again, Sasuke's psyche is so damn delicate and he suffered from post-traumatic disorder without any psychological treatment that Kishimoto may not allow Naruto to win, more like make it a tide because what Naruto really wants is for Sasuke to acknowledge his strength and his worthiness."


Since the comments would be long, so I decided to post it here. In response to the reply above, I totally agree that one day Sasuke will help Naruto to defend either Naruto himself or the Konoha.

From what I can predict, I think the story will goes with a tense battle between Naruto and the Sasuke.

Because of the power given by Itachi, Naruto finally manage to beat Sasuke. I mean merely beat him. But that’s not all. I do believe a long touching conversation will goes during the battle.

Somehow, Sasuke realizes his mistakes and idiocy; he was left alone to think deeply and carefully about his actions. At that point, Naruto goes to battle with someone else, maybe Madara or Paine.

In the battle with Madara (I presume), Naruto isn’t able to beat Madara as Madara has gain a new higher power due to his long term plan in Akatsuki and his mastermind manipulation.

I have some feeling that Paine is fooled by Madara as well that has turn Paine into such an evil person. I strongly believe a good story will tell the fans and the readers about what had happened in the past that has made Jiraiya’s student become evil (suddenly can’t remember the name of the student, but as long as you understand, that will do).

A bit complicated story awaiting us. This is what I sense of.

Continuing from the aftermath match between Naruto and Sasuke, when Naruto is going to be defeated by Madara, Sasuke shows up to aid Naruto and both of them work together finally to beat Madara. This is the lesson they learned during the first ninja’s test with Sakura by Kakashi where team work is important and most powerful thing in the ninja world.

Now, how about the Kyuubi? Does it ends just like that, resides within Naruto forever?

I believe Kyuubi has been extracted out by Madara before their battle. It might be a long story ahead of us in the present plot but I think Naruto will fight Sasuke with his own power without relying on Kyuubi. It may be a bit complicated but I do think that might happen.

Update: Because the comment is long, so click here for full post.


Anonymous said...

First off, I'm sorry that my response was soooo long. Thank you for posting it however. I am going to back track a bit because you said that eventually they are going to battle it out again, which I agree. Back when Naruto and Sasuke fought at the Valley of the End (VotE), I never understood what Sasuke meant when he said something to Naruto about two strong ninjas being able to read each others mind when their fists collide, maybe that will be something that Kishimoto will explain for their next upcoming battle. However, I do clearly remember how both were so raw when they fought; it was so intense with their dialogs and their emotions. It was probably the first memory that I had in being so moved during the fight, and then by the end of the fight, I was emotionally drained like Naruto and Sasuke. Both had special powers: Sasuke with his cursed seal and Naruto with Kyuubi.

Now when they do fight for their upcoming battle, Sasuke will not have the cursed seal, thank goodness, and maybe Naruto will not have Kyuubi, but I do think if he did have Kyuubi's powers, he may not use it. I do hope (very badly) that Naruto wins because Sasuke must be made to understand that they way he went about everything, meaning his revenge, has left him empty.

I do mean to repeat the issue with Kyuubi, but I agree with you; I don't think that Naruto will use Kyuubi when he fights Sasuke. Besides, I do wonder since Sasuke was able to enter Naruto's mind, he can suppress Kyuubi's power. Then again maybe Itachi's gift might prevent Sasuke from using his Sharingan against Naruto.

Naruto is gifted at turning people around and remember that Sasuke is the one person Naruto wanted to save and has failed to achieve it. Sasuke must be made to recognize his past mistakes in order to re-team with best friend. Yeah, they will have to team up, especially when dealing with Madara.
Now with Pein/Pain/Paine, I am not so sure that he will be so easily willing to give up his quest at being a God. He did allow for the other Jinruukis to die in order to capture their bijuus and he seems really determined about his own goal, maybe the fight will be between him and Madara then Madara against Sasuke and Naruto. I believe Paine's name was Nigato(Nagato) when he was Jiraiya's student.

About the issue with Kyuubi again, I am not too incline to have them so separated; I kinda want them to be able to work together because they are part of one another. I did at one point thought that they should be separated, but Minato put him inside his own son for a reason. So I am basically open to both ideas on that issue with Kyuubi. But isn't Kyuubi's powers split into two different location? If they were separated, maybe Naruto will still have the benefits of what the Kyuubi offered, like Gaara still has the ability to control sand despite having his bijuu removed.

I don't mind the story being long as long as it is told well. I know that it is a manga, but I hope that the standard in storytelling will be raised that it will include more details and clarifications. Look at the American form of manga like Spiderman, Superman, and Batman; these stories have gone on for over 40 years! Naruto can go on for as long as it wants, just as long that it told well and have the characters grow.

John said...

great comment from you. hearing from u about minato putting the kyuubi in naruto for a reason, now i have recall it that jiraiya did mentioned it before. since minato purportedly did that, then there is possibility that kyuubi might reside within naruto for longer period. but will it resides within him till the end of the story or the final battle in naruto series is the fight of naruto with the kyuubi? a fight till he finally fully control the kyuubi become him.

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