
Naruto manga reviews

Naruto chapter 415

Out of what I have expected, one Amaterasu has ended the fierce and tense battle. So basically, the transform form of killerbee is meaningless.

We didn’t even get to see the power of the so-called mighty 8-tailed beast. He has been beaten in one of the Uchiha clan’s special power, the Amaterasu.

Anyway, I was happy to see how loyal and kind of Sasuke to his teammates that he has made a decision to stop the flame. Not everyone does that. He attempt to his teammates’ problem and care about their safety. Good job for him.

Now, what does Naruto mean by ‘maybe now I can do it’? Even the great Fukasaku has no idea what Naruto mean by that. Did he mean revenge or something to do with the power Itachi gave to him?

Naruto seems to have some up his sleeves. Does Naruto have hidden power that he thinks he might be able to use it this time after mastering the Sage technique?

In the middle story of Naruto series, after the 2 years training with Jiraiya, Jiraiya did mention before something to Naruto like “don’t use the power”.

Will they be related?

Now Fukasaku gave the Jiraiya’s first book to Naruto. Is there any secret lie within the book?

For some reason, we do get a feeling that Naruto is going to power up very much soon. Not sure what they will be, but definitely something fishy is going to happen.

Currently there are few things left unknown and unsure about Naruto. One, the power that Itachi gave to him. Two, Naruto keep something secret from Fukasaku after he mastered the sage technique. Three, the unfold story in the book. Four, Jiraiya did mention before to Naruto about not to use a “secret’ power.

In the meantime, we get information about who the Raikage is. Thanks to my reader, Raikage is the Kage of the Hidden Cloud Village. Now apart from that, we learned that Raikage is the brother of the KillerBee. Will we be able to see who the Raikage is?


Anonymous said...

Hi John
I was not too thrill about Sasuke's win because of the way that he manages to wins. You are so correct with the fact that we didn't get to see 8 tails in full action. I felt cheated and thought that the so called "victory for Sasuke" very lame and flat. I was...content (yes, that's a good word) that he had cared enough about his team mate, Karin, and put out the black fire, and then instructed Juugo to retrieve her. And to think it was all thanks to his total recall of his former team 7 that sparked his ability and his leadership.
As far as Naruto, well, I was very, very excited when the story focused back to him and he looks like he's maturing somewhat; you know, little by little. I don't expect him to be intelligent, but I do expect some maturity, which seems to be what Kishimoto is finally doing--thank goodness, it is about time. As for what Naruto commented, "Maybe now I can do it." well, I thought that perhaps Naruto was talking about his RasenShuriken technique, which was declared a forbidden jutsu. Well, that's what I thought because he kept looking at his hand.
Thanks as always

Anonymous said...

I agree, Naruto's probably talking about the RasenShuriken Jutsu. And based upon the new chapter, 418, it may be possible (seeings as he fell onto a bunch of stalacmites and he didn't feel a thing), but maybe not. RasenShuriken will hurt him on a cellulair level too, so we'll just have to see about it. But even if he does uses it again, Sakura will murder him afterwards. ;)

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