
Naruto manga reviews

Naruto manga 416 review

Hmmm….is Naruto’s face going to be like the character in the book? This is because the character was a bit cool and impressive as well.

So far we have been wondering why the main character isn’t cool. Everyone loves to see their favorite character in cool and strong. Unfortunately, Naruto doesn’t meet the expectation, even though he is quite strong as well.

Back to the story, just as I have expected, and I still believe that Sasuke’s real intention is still hidden from us (fan). I really can’t find the logic why he wants to attack Konoha despite knowing that his brother had been trying so hard to protect the village.

Now, we get to know that even Madara is suspecting Sasuke as well. The way Sasuke answered to him isn’t quite convincing. It’s just an act of cool and escape from being suspected.

We also learn that Orochimaru was kind in the first place until his parents were killed. This is just like what Sasuke is doing, revenge for his family. But there is a little bit different between Sasuke and Orochimaru where Sasuke isn’t about becoming strong and immortal anymore. He simply wants to get revenge on Konoha for the suffering his brother has (Assuming he really wants vengeance).

More, Raikage has shown up. He looks similar to 3rd Hokage but with the mustache. Apparently we are going to see another battle between Raikage and the Akatsuki or Sasuke.

Finally, I still feel a bit disappointed with KillerBee who was defeated in one shot by the Amaterasu. At least he pulls out from the fire and the battle continues on until Sasuke shows more of his sharingan power.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that you brought up a lot issues that I noticed as I was reading the chapter.
Great job and I'm sorry I can't add anything helpful at this time.
Take care!

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