
Naruto manga reviews

Naruto chapter 413

The beast transfoming

The latest chapter of Naruto manga 413 is superb. I was in shocked when I see Sasuke team having a seriously big trouble against the beast. Not to mention that Sharingan doesn’t work on the beast and the fact that the Jinchuuriki is able to control his beast inside him. This is a superb chapter but unfortunately too short. Maybe because it is too interesting.

Sasuke seriously injured again

This is the second time Sasuke was seriously injured due to the strength of the beast. Initially, I thought the match was going to be an easy as ABC but it’s not this time. So, I was wrong but I still stand with my opinion and prediction that they will be able to capture the beast. It’s depending on whether Sasuke has truly shown his power.

Now the beast has completely transformed into an ox. What will the team do to deal with it? They even have the trouble to stand against the Jinchuuriki, not to mentioned the fully awaken beast. Damn, this is way too powerful for side character. Now I feel that Naruto need to be really serious with his training. I know he does but need more. Everyone seems to be so powerful at the last few chapters of Naruto manga series. The main character should be awesome as well. What the hell with Naruto? Can’t even control 4 trailed beast.

The 8 tailed beast

Anyway, this is a good chapter and I love it. Maybe Kishi anticipated that we will think that the match was as easy as ABC for Sasuke. That’s why he made the match tougher to the team. If this was the case, then surely the beast will fall. Not sure how; maybe Sasuke hasn’t reveal his true power or someone from Akatsuki will interfere.

Looking forward to the next chapter.


Anonymous said...

It WAS a good chapter! I know I am being childish, but I couldn't but feel happy that Sasuke got his butt whipped yet again and needed his team mate, Juugo, to help him out. But hey, what are team mates for? I was quite surprised that Zetsu was there doing a live telecast for Madara and Akatsuki. Maybe Suigetsu will create a water rapid and get them out so they can regroup and plan how to capture 8 tails. I gotta say that I was rooting for 8 tails to win and continue to do so, but I know it is a matter of time before Sasuke wins, yet again. Come on Naruto, man, I can't wait until he becomes awesome.
Thanks John for your blog!

John said...

thank you for your comment. highly likely zetsu is watching from distant and whether they will regroup and replan their strategy is smth i m not sure yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey John thank for understanding my typo. I meant to say how I was surprised that Zetsu WAS NOT there to televise the fight live for Madara. I left out the word "not". Thanks for knowing what I meant. And I agree with your assessment that he might be there after all and hopefully from a distant, considering Sasuke did say that he was using Akatuski. I don't want him getting deeper that he appears to be right now. I have to remember that Sasuke is Naruto's best friend and so I need to give him some love as well.
Anonymously Rocco

Anonymous said...

wow...that's surprising cos according to my knowledge, after sasuke turned to Akatsuki, his ranking has been dropping and most of the fans started to dislike him but u still remain to love him. loyal and truly fellow fan. initially, i love itachi but he is dead dy. so now i hope naruto can really be strong.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do like Sasuke ONLY because Naruto cares deeply for him. I would have love to ring Sasuke's neck when he left Konoha to train with Orochimaru and left Naruto feeling betrayed, devastated and genuinely hurt--it was something that Naruto has yet to recover from to this present stage of the manga. Sasuke does inspire Naruto, whether he is there by his side or not (I am not trying to sound like a fanboyl or a fangirl, I am just stating what I truly think and Kakashi even said something about it; remember how Kakashi wondered whether Sasuke could sense Naruto getting stronger because of Sasuke being the cause of Naruto's inspiration? How about when Naruto asked Kakashi to let him cross that bridge into manhood when he fought that Akatski guy using his Rasenshuriken and Naruto thought of Sasuke?). By the time Sasuke fought Itachi and won by default, I wanted Sasuke dead because I thought that it was such bull that he "won" when he didn't earned that title; Kishimoto should have declared Sasuke the "survivor with the strength to survive battling Itachi" and not make or insinuate that he was the winner because he was the best, and that irked me, there is a distinction. But then, I kept remembering that Naruto loves his friend and defends him no matter what. So I entail care for Sasuke because of MY love for Naruto. I do believe that Sasuke will partake in defending Naruto whether from Pein, and/or Madara and from any Akatski member or even from Sasuke himself. Secretly, I sincerely hope that Naruto kicks Sasuke's butt only to bring him down from his pedestal but then again, Sasuke's psyche is so damn delicate and he suffered from post-traumatic disorder without any psychological treatment that Kishimoto may not allow Naruto to win, more like make it a tide because what Naruto really wants is for Sasuke to acknowledge his strength and his worthiness.

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