
Naruto manga reviews

Naruto chapter 411

Chapter 411

This whole chapter is about the fight between Sasuke and 8-tailed beast. There were some actions and fight really going on, not talkie talkie. OK, at the end of the chapter, we saw that Sasuke’s chidori doesn’t work against this guy.

Chidori doesn't work against 8-tailed beast?

Is this really the end of Sasuke when his chidori doesn’t work against the 8-tailed beast? If you think so, then you’re too naïve. Think about how much Sasuke has improved. After all the upgrades and new skills, yet he is still not at the 8-tailed beast level? NO NO NO NO. We only see chidori doesn’t work. How about the other skills? The new MS? Like I said before, Kishi loves to make a battle looks like the weaker opponent is stronger than the other one. Then, make the battle dragged on until the stronger one feels it’s time to settle thing down. Then, he will really show his real power, an awesome power than will easily beat his opponent.

Sasuke get a little scratch on his face.

Anyway, this chapter is fine because we get to see Sasuke in action in real; well at least Kishi did showed Sasuke fighted seriously. The other thing is we see Sasuke did get hurt by the 8-tailed beast attack. Previously I thought Sasuke is not going to get a scratch at all, but it turned out to be different and I think this is good ‘cos this makes the battle more real.

Finally, I will only say that Sasuke will not loss in whatsoever. This battle is one of the part of the story where Sasuke’s real power will be shown.


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