
Naruto manga reviews

Naruto 412 review and 413 prediction

Sasuke injured

Wow…I can’t believe Kishi did make Sasuke suffer from the attacks from 8-tailed beast. But it’s unfair for 4 persons that are so strong to attack one person. 4 on 1. Cheh…..

Sasuke saved

Anyway, the reason that I can think of about Sasuke injury is that he probably had underestimate the capability of the 8-tailed beast. That’s why he falls before him. However, thing is going to change anway. They will surely get the 8-tailed beast but I can’t guess what kind of trick they will use against him.

About Naruto training, I think he won’t get any improvement if the training goes on like the current trend. For some reason, I believe Naruto will discover something out in the middle of the training. He probably will think of a better idea for his training than the method he is trained under now.

Naruto training

Go back to Paine raid on Konoha, will he starts the attack soon in the next few chapters? If thing is going on like what is going now, I don’t think so. Not until Sasuke team get their hands on the 8-tailed beast, Kishi will not show the raid from Paine. Maybe at most we get to see he is on his way to destroying Konoha in order to seek for the Naruto, the 9-tailed beast.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Sasuke will most likely capture 8 tails, but I am hoping that MAYBE 8 tails will allow himself to be captured because he wants to learn more about Akatuski and hopefully enlighten Sasuke. Gods know that Sasuke needs some positive influences.
With Naruto, Gods, I just want him to seriously mature just a bit. I mean if he is going to be Hokage, he must be more emotionally in control and have a great deal of maturity. With his training, I don't think it will be easy for him, but I do think that he will have an epiphany.
John, you have a great blog.:-)

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