
Naruto manga reviews

Naruto vol 405

Hi, I am back. It's been a long time since I last updated my blog. Anyway, the thing I would like to say about this manga chapter is that it wasn't so impressive chapter. Why would that be? Well, from the chapter, it's clearly the full chapter didn't tell much info about the story. We still haven't be able to know what is the code that Jiraiya passed down is. Not to mentioned, the news about the death of Jiraiya was a bit disappointing from my point of view. This is because I thought it was going to make much more impact to the Konoha team especially Naruto. It is true that Naruto cried and still very upset knowing Jiraiya had die in battle. But I was expecting more 'cos Jiraiya is such an important character in the Naruto series and obviously it was made with little impact left on us (readers) and other characters in the story. When I read that Naruto entered Tsunade's room after been summoned, it seems that Tsunade was kind of relax. I was expecting she will be very upset as well although it did showed in the last page of the chapter 405 that Tsunade cried. Perhaps she was trying to set a role as Hokage and not crying in front of everyone. Anyway, the new chapter 406 will be out two days later. Let's see how the chapter will developed. Hopefully we can know what is the code that passed by Jiraiya.


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